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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

2018 Update

I thought that I would pop over to my blog today, probably because I am getting ready to go on vacation for the rest of the year and I don't feel much like working.  I found an update that I had started in 2017, but never finished or published.  I went ahead and published it just now (although I didn't complete it).

2018 has been an amazing year!  I wrote in the 2017 update that my long-time BF and I had finally split up.  I dated two guys last year.  Both relationships ran their course.  This year I decided to try on-line dating and I went out with four different guys.  One I saw three times, one just once, another I saw for about a month and a half, and the last one (the handsome fella above) just asked me to marry him.  (Spoiler: I said yes).

His name is Rick and we have been dating about ten months.  He is amazing!  He is so kind and generous.  He is great with my kids.  Like me, he is self-employed.  To say that I am in love with him feels like an understatement.  I miss him intensely when we're not together.  I adore him.  He's fantastic in bed and so much fun.  We laugh and laugh when we're together.  In my 45-years, I have never been in love like this.

What's funny is that I really was just looking for someone to be my boyfriend.  I wanted to go on dates and have a good time.  I never expected to fall so hard for someone, not at my age.

Here are some examples of the amazing things he does: For me birthday, he left little gifts at my house for four days leading up to my birthday.  Each one had a note in which he talked about a specific thing that he likes about me.  He's also done special things for my kids, and even took them out to dinner to ask them if they would be okay with him being their step-dad.    

On Sunday he'd planned to take me out to dinner.  He works a lot of nights and weekends and lately we haven't been able to see each other all that much.  We went to one of my favorite restaurants, a fondue place.  After a lovely meal and a lively conversation about why Buck Rogers was stupid, he told me that he had an early Christmas gift for me.  He pulled out this little book (you may have seen it on Facebook).  It is a personalized book of all the things that he loves about me, with cute little cartoon avatars.  The book had page after page of all the things he loves about me and ends with, "I guess what I am trying to say is will you marry me?".  I looked up from the book and he is holding out an incredible white gold ring with diamonds and sapphires (my favorite stone).  It is beautiful! 
We are planning to move in together around February 1st and be married in Spring 2020.

When I think about how happy I am, it makes me shudder to think of the misery that I endured with my ex.  I am so glad that I had the courage to finally end things.

On the weight-front, I am doing very well.  I am actually at my lowest (non-sickness) weight.  I weighed 161 lbs. (73.03 KG) on Monday.  I am 5'8" (172.7 cm) tall.  My BMI is 24.5 (normal).  I am happy with my appearance and feel very comfortable with my size. 

I am exercising like a fiend, just like always and eating around 1,500 calories a day.  I continue to use MFP to track my calories.  It is pretty easy to keep things under control at this point in my recovery (I am almost nine years out from WLS).

So, I think that's it for this update!  Happy holidays!   


Catherine55 said...

Congratulations, Amanda! That is fantastic news! I am very happy for you, and it's great to see you looking so wonderful, happy and fit! Congratulations! :)

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Cards Mosaic said...

So here’s what you can do: Get your hands on some nice-quality coffee. Find a coffee with a deep, dark flavor and the richest aroma possible. Make sure you find a coffee that’s a monsoon-washed one. Make sure it’s well washed and then let it slowly drip overnight. Ideally, let it slowly drip on a cool concrete floor or marble counter. (Of course if this makes your apartment smell like wet earth you’ve done a lot better than any of the coffee shops). Set your favorite kitchen timer for 12 hours and wait. You could try the method I proposed above, or you could also use a cup that has a lid and pour in some coffee from your bag, and after 30 minutes, make sure that you put the coffee back in the bag and seal it. After a half hour, or 1 hour, or an hour and half, check to see if the coffee tastes good. Let it drip another 12 hours. Get another cup, and repeat the process. In about 2 days, if you leave the coffee to drip for the 12-hour period, the coffee is good to go. Depending on the strength and quality, the coffee is going to taste a bit stronger at this point, but it also might not have quite enough to make it perfect. Leave the coffee to sit for another 12 hours and wait. What is monsooned coffee?

admin said...

Виагра - Сиалис - Сходство и отличия
Виагра - брендовое название препарата с активным ингредиентом силденафилом, запатентованное компанией Pfizer. Таблетки для эрекции, не поднимающие давления.
Сиалис - торговая марка препарата, содержащего активное вещество тадалафил; производится фирмой Eli Lilly.
Принцип действия
Ключевым веществом при осуществлении эректильной функции является циклический гуанозинмонофосфат или цГМФ. Он вызывает расслабление гладкой мышечной ткани, которая соединяет внутренние стенки сосудов, снабжающих пенис кровью. Поскольку эти сосуды расслабляются, кровоток резко возрастает. Фермент фосфодиэстераза-5 или PDE5 негативно влияет на цГМФ. Для мужчин без сосудистых нарушений это не представляет проблемы, так как организм быстро воспроизводит большое количество цГМФ. Однако у тех, чье сосудистое здоровье далеко от нормы, фермент PDE5 разрушает цГМФ быстрее, чем тот восстанавливается. Тем самым нарушается эректильная функция. Это может проявиться в неспособности получить эрекцию или невозможности поддерживать ее достаточно долго.
Силденафил и тадалафил относятся к классу препаратов-ингибиторов PDE5, временно блокирующих фермент фосфодиэстеразу-5, влияющий на кровоток в половом члене. Поскольку действие ингибиторов PDE5 основано на естественном высвобождении оксида азота во время полового возбуждения, все они работают только при сексуальной стимуляции.
Несмотря на то, что сиалис и виагра принадлежат к одному и тому же семейству лекарств - ингибиторам PDE5, тем не менее, у каждого своя уникальная химическая формула, которая объясняет различия между ними.
Виагра выпускается в виде ромбовидных таблеток голубого цвета. Стандартной является дозировка 100 мг, но также бывает по 25 и 50 мг. Многие пользователи, для кого дозировка 25 или 50 мг является эффективной, покупают таблетки 100 мг и делят их на две или четыре части в зависимости от необходимости.