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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

2017 Update

2017 has been a year of transition.  So many things have changed for me, things that I had been hoping for for years and years, but couldn't make happen.  Until I could.

The biggest transition has been that my long-term boyfriend and I have split up.  We broke up around Easter and he moved out in early June.  Those two months were really hard.  I spent my free time reading the Harry Potter books for the umpteenth time so I could be distracted from how miserable it was having him in my home.  We were together for the better part of 18 years.  We were married for seven years.  We have two daughters.

A couple of months after he moved out, I started dating a guy I'll call Jay.  Then I started dating another guy I'll call Texas.  I can't remember ever having previously dated more than one guy at a time, but since August I have been seeing two guys.

Both Jay and Texas are very nice. 

(Edit: I just found this in my drafts and thought I would publish it.  It was written October 2017, more than a year ago. I am going to write a 2018 update shortly).

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