I had to run to the mall earlier to pick up a gift for my daughter's birthday. She will be 9 on Sunday (happy birthday Caelyn!). I had decided that I was going to use a gift card that I got for my favorite store, CJ Banks, as a Christmas gift to get myself a couple new shirts. My wardrobe has become very drab with lots of black and brown. So I took a leap of faith and bought two shirts in a size 2X which is one size smaller than I have been wearing. One of the shirts is teal and the other is off-white. I've only lost 15 lbs. so I'm probably not ready for a smaller size yet, but I hope I will be soon.
While I was there, I got a piña colada Orange Julius drink. I've been eating really bland foods for the last couple weeks so that first taste was incredible. I had it for breakfast and went to the Orange Julius website to figure out the calories and everything. Yum!
mmmm That sounds yummy!!! You will be enjoying that 2x before you know it then 1x then LARGE! YAY! You will hit them all real soon!!!
Hooray for new clothes AND new sizes! 15 is great!!
Good for you being down 15! I haven't had an Orange Julius in ages. They used to have them here (I mean there, New York as I'm in FL now) but they closed up. They were great. Good for you buying the shirts. If they don't fit now they will soon.
I think having smaller sizes to aim towards and try on are a great goal
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