I have been posting with less frequency lately. There are various reasons for this. The first is that I'm crazy busy at work right now. I've also taken some time off this month which adds to the business. But the main reason is I really don't have much to say.
Things are plugging along. I am enjoying the new-found freedom from food obsession that I've had for the last several months. My weight loss has slowed, but is still trickling away. I haven't had any major epiphanies about this process. The newness and excitement have worn off and now I guess I'm just living my life. Which was the whole point, but doesn't necessarily make for very interesting blog posts.
I miss reading your blogs, but will soon resume reading and commenting. Things should quiet down by the end of the month of September.
We went to Long Beach, Washington this past weekend for a family reunion. It was fun. Here's a picture of one whale and one non-whale:
What to say? I say you look fantastic!!!!
You look great!!!!
You look amazing!
OMG you look great, amazing, and fantastic!
You look great! I recognize that sassy Old Navy shirt - it's getting too big for you.
I feel the same about posting sometimes, I just keep plugging along and if something happens I post.
Love the picture. Family reunions can be super great or super bad, depending on the family. Glad yours was fun.
Looking good mama!
OH cupcake....keep posting - I miss you when you don't.
You look great and so many of us are in the same boat as you..life has just sort of taken over the hast month or so and things have gotten crazy. Know we are here for you when you can get back into the swing of thing!!
My, what skinny legs you have! I am jealous! You look great Amanda!
I often find that I don't have much to say either so dI on't end up posting very often.
P.S. You look great!
wow you look great-I am sorry we were not able to get together this week but maybe next time. David and I had a great time riding the trail in Cottage Grove and shopping around Eugene. We walked past a property management office and I gave you a mental wave even if it wasn't yours :)
You look fabulous! I know exactly what you mean about blogging (or not, as the case may be) when you are several months post-banding, it can get a bit 'samey', can't it? "Oh, I lost a pound, oh I gained a pound, oh I lost a pound, yada yada'. Still, all of those lost pounds add up to looking good in the photographs!
You are crazy-cute! Is it odd to say that I love the shape of your face? Cuz I do!
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